A comprehensive set of services for start-ups. All the analytical background you need for a successful Market Entry. Minimize risks.
Technology Valuation
Actionable recommendations
Substantive Due Diligence in areas that no one understands. We offer VC funds our specific expertise in assessing complex deep tech projects. Also useful if you need to increase the capacity of your analytics team or want to teach your analysts to navigate complex technologies.
Market Analysis
IP Due diligence
Legal & Financial Due diligence
Red flags identification
Actionable recommendations
Tech Navigator
A detailed overview of innovative technologies in your industry: what are the opportunities for your innovation and investment and which experts to approach for collaboration.
Tech Scouting
Experts Scouting
Comparison according to specified parameters
Verification of experts' interest in cooperation
Actionable recommendations

Client Stories
Each client is unique, but we approach each one with a focus on achieving their goals.
We do this through a deep understanding of the technology and IP landscape, thorough analytical work, and brutal honesty in our recommendations.
More from our clients:
Client: SKODA
Skoda approached us with the intention of getting an overview of innovative technologies that might be interesting for further use in their portfolio.
They were interested in the Central European region and in technologies both on the market and in current development.
Tech Navigator
For SKODA, we have prepared an overview document with relevant technologies from the selected region. For each of the 32 submitted technologies, divided into 4 thematic areas, we have included a clear explanation, contact information and indicated its readiness level (TRL). The document was complemented by a set of actionable recommendations.
Kiril Ribarov, Innovation manager:
"The UNICO team was able to prepare practical and clear outputs relevant for innovators and innovation managers.
The overall overview and the list of concrete examples made their output easy to grasp for inspiration as well as for a substantive discussion on the applicability of each solution. This pragmatism is much appreciated."
Client: CB Espri Fund
The Slovak investment fund CB Espri was considering an investment in a technology company and needed to find out at short notice what technological and intellectual property risks this investment might entail.
CB ESPRI is the manager of a fund to support businesses and non-profit organisations with a positive social impact. The fund will invest a total of up to €10.5 million in 2022 and 2023.
Tech & IP Verified
For CB Espri we have prepared a detailed analysis in six different areas. To uncover any potential technology bullshitting, we engaged our network of experts to find out if the technology actually exists and works. We also focused on uncovering potential competitors solving the same problem.
In the area of intellectual property, we focused on whether the company's technological solution is protected and whether the company's know-how is in the hands of persons whose relationship with the company is legally protected.
We have structured our findings into a comprehensive summary with specific recommendations for each area and highlighting the red flags we have uncovered.
Miroslav Beblavý, CEO:
"We used Technology & IP risk analysis during a period when we were closing a large number of projects at once and faced a lack of capacity of our analysts.
UNICO provided us with in-depth risk analysis in a short time in areas where they have unique expertise, so we greatly appreciated their insight."
Client: USSPA
USSPA has a huge amount of capital stored in intellectual property (IP). Over the many years of the company's existence, the protection of its know-how has grown rapidly, making the field very opaque.
After taking over the company from her father, its new owner, Katerina Kadlecová, wanted to understand the issues and make an informed opinion on the necessity of IP-related expenses.
IP Optimisation
In the first step, we analysed the company's know-how and its existing protection and categorised it in relation to the competition into strong, medium and weak.
Based on the data we collected, we focused on the business relevance of the corporate IP during interviews with key persons in the company and categorized it this time according to its importance for sales into crucial, important but not crucial and not important for sales.
The next crucial step was then to quantify the value of each part of the corporate IP.
The result of our collaboration was the presentation of a structured report that clearly showed the client how valuable, how protected, and how crucial each part of the corporate IP was.
Kateřina Kadlecová, CEO:
"The meeetings were very empathetic and stimulating at the same time from the very beginning. UNICO provided us with a comprehensive view of IP protection and a quantification of our progress to date in this area. It helped us to organize our priorities and attitudes towards patent protection in the future and optimizing our existing patent portfolio. We will definitely follow up on the project."